Best Place to Code Companies

Did you know that there is a ranking to name Best Place to Code companies? This evaluation is done every year and best of all, your company can also participate. That is why today we will focus on the characteristics that companies that are awarded “Best Place to Code Companies” meet.

This ranking is responsible for publishing a list in each country of the best companies based purely on the study of the organizational climate of each of the participants. Where some of the aspects to be evaluated are the environment and the degree of inclusion.

This evaluation is done every year and millions of employees are surveyed. But best of all, your company can also participate. That is why today we will focus on the characteristics that companies that are awarded “Best to Place Companies” meet.

Best Place to Code

Companies recognized as Best Place to Code attract a lot of attention from different aspects. In the first instance, they can be recognized by people who are not part of them as companies or brands that generate trust by standing out for their excellent work environment. This greatly attracts people who are looking for new job opportunities.

As for those who are already part of this type of organization, there can be an increase in employee loyalty. This empowers and strengthens the company by reducing the turnover rate and improving branding.

If you are wondering how it is possible to measure the trust of a company, those responsible for evaluating and defining the ranking do so through two axes:

  1. The culture of the place is investigated in detail through the answers provided by employees through a survey.
  2. The work environment is analyzed, where the culture of the organization is investigated.

Features that companies named Best Place to Code have.

Before continuing, it is important that you can measure the magnitude of belonging to that ranking. If you still can't understand it, don't worry, but to make things easier for you, it would be an equivalent to Michelin stars in gastronomic culture.

The features that we will review next may not seem like anything out of the other world to you. And indeed they are not, much less so if your company is constantly concerned about the well-being of its workers. Creating an inclusive space and an environment where every worker is valued, as was done years at Edgebound.


Communication is very important in every aspect of life, but within a company it takes on even more relevance. Because it is thanks to this that leaders can effectively communicate with their employees, achieving the proposed objectives.

But let's clarify that it's not just about leaders, there has to be communication in all directions.


Leaders are leaders because they fulfill a fundamental characteristic, they generate trust in their entire team.

Therefore, if you want to be part of the ranking, you have to get all your employees to trust your decisions. But you, too, as a leader, must trust your employees to delegate.

Good environment

If you are in a place that has a good work environment, your motivation and productivity will automatically increase. Being able to see how each of the collaborators works at their highest level.


Equity is synonymous with inclusion, which in today's world is an important element not only in the world of work.

If you want to be part of the Best Place Place to Code ranking, you must ensure that the work teams are diverse, as well as the same treatment and salary.


If you want to be part of the select group of companies that belong to the best places to work, then you have to make sure that you offer your employees opportunities for growth.

In addition to being able to reach agreements with workers if it comes to listening to concerns that involve their growth.


It is true that in a workplace there must be certain rules to comply with. But companies that have been part of the Best Place to Code know very well that as long as the objectives are met, there can be flexibility, for example, in schedules or in the possibility of working from home.


A company that offers to be one of the best places to work, as is the case at Edgebound. It is a company that cares about giving its employees constant training to have well-prepared teams.


These types of companies will always go one step further, especially when it comes to trends. In addition to proposing and researching new ideas that have never been explored before within the organization.


We wanted to leave this feature for last because we would like you to analyze it in the case of your company. How many times have you heard your employees talk about the place where they work with pride?

In most cases, people will respond with contempt, even mentioning that if a new job offer arrived at another company, they would take it. Well, people who are part of an organization that belongs to this ranking will speak with pride about their company, transmitting their level of satisfaction.

By: Román Torres

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